Home Introduction | Chemistry / Life science daytime visitors august 2024

Introduction | Chemistry / Life science daytime visitors august 2024

Welcome to student life! To start your studies off in a pleasant way, the study association 't Reactievat has organized an introduction week. The introduction week starts on Tuesday, August 27th at school and ends on Friday, August 30th at school.

As a daytime visitor you will join different activities during the introduction week. When you sign up for this program you won’t sleep on the camp. You are free to join each part of the program and if you don’t feel like doing one of the activities there is no problem.

If you would like to sleep on the camp and want to join all the activities during the week, please sign up for the other introduction program.

If you have any questions regarding the introduction week, please don't hesitate to send an email to introductie@svreactievat.nl

Hope to see you then!!

Don't forget to order your HAN Open Up intro hoodie! You can find it here.


€ 50,-

BTW vrijgesteld


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